About Legable
Your background does not determine your future

Legable seeks to make the legal profession accessible for everyone - no matter your background.
Despite the efforts of law firms to ensure diversity and inclusion through contextual recruitment and pipeline programmes, there is still a significant lack of social mobility in the legal field. A recent SRA survey revealed that, in England and Wales, 21% of lawyers attended fee-paying schools (5% with a bursary) in comparison to 7% of the general population (2% with a bursary).
We believe these statistics can be improved by increasing the knowledge of and accessibility to these initiatives.
We aim to collate and share resources available for aspiring and current law students from less advantaged backgrounds in the UK into one online platform. This includes information regarding funding, work experience programmes and mentoring schemes. Our 'Make a Difference' section also details how you can help to improve social mobility by becoming a mentor or offering a work experience placement.
If you know of a social mobility initiative, please let us know by emailing legableuk@gmail.com. We would love to feature it!
We have a blog full of aspiring and current lawyers from similar backgrounds to those mentioned above which covers topics from the benefits of non-legal work experience to alternative routes into law and exclusive insights into the various social mobility programmes available for students. Ultimately, this aims to de-stigmatise being from a less advantaged background and demonstrate that, if anything, it should make you more proud of your achievements.
Your background does not determine your future.